Natural Disasters and Earth Systems Research Project

Three of earth systems affect each other inside of a Tornado including the atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), geosphere (land). The way that all four of these systems affect each other is the tornado starts with the first system atmosphere (air) because winds start picking up speed and the tornado starts to form. Then the hydrosphere (water) starts happening because the thunderstorm starts happening, mixing the high-speed winds in the atmosphere with the storm. lastly, the Geosphere (land) starts taking place because once the tornado starts spinning then the tornado starts moving taking over the land. Sadly biosphere (life) is included because people's lives are in danger when tornadoes happen and things in people's daily lives get messed up like cars, houses and even people's lives get taken. Those are the ways that Earth's systems affect each other in a tornado. Honestly, even though you have an understanding of environmental science aid it’s nothing in my opinion that you can do to stop a natural disaster, especially something like a tornado. However, I think if you have an understanding of it you can understand why it’s happening and you can prepare faster because you might know it’s coming. To create a sustainable future we can let others know what’s going on so we can save lives. Maybe if people knew it was coming that would give people prep time. Even telling people what to do such as to get under “get under something sturdy” could save a life. My reaction to my finding is very interesting because I never actually researched tornado, so I think that it was cool to know how a tornado starts. Tornadoes are dangerous but the way that it starts up and the way that all the systems do connect to make the tornado happen is shocking and exciting.

