One Point Perspective

The room that I drew is the room I think of if first, I had my own room, and second if my room was bigger. In my room I have a bed, a bench drawer, two windows( one big, one small), a door with a sign, a mirror, and a light. I also have little accessories, like the sign on the door and the pillows. Creating this picture, I have learned that with one point perspective it is best that you are precise and that your lines are straight. You can always tell when something is off about a one point perspective drawing. I am most proud of my wall with the polka dots on it because it looks great as an accent wall and fits well with the room. I am also very proud of the bed I made because of the articulate details. I wish I could improve on making sure my lines are ALL equivalent and also coloring at a little more objects in the room. If you were to do this project, please take your time. Every single line counts as a whole.

Screenshot 2018-06-01 at 2.32.16 PM
Screenshot 2018-06-01 at 2.32.16 PM
