One Point Perspective Project

My room represents my 6 word memoir which is, “Losing isn’t an option, winning is.” My memoir means pretty much what it says because I don’t like losing, but I do like winning.  I hate losing, and when I do I get mad, so to prevent myself from getting mad I win, and that is the only option.  For example my hockey team won the championship last year, and I was so happy, but when we got to the next round which was nationals we lost. I was so mad, and losing was what made me mad. In my room I have a lot of trophies, which represent all the games and championships that I won. Also I have a lot of blankets that have trophies, softballs, basketballs, and one says 1st place. There is one more detail, and that is the picture frames on the back wall, which also represent me losing, and not winning because there is trophies and it says 1st place. This shows all the things I have won, and that is why losing isn't an option.

