Oral History


Hello, This is Tiffany Irick . Today, I will be providing you full audio by Myself interviewing Rite Brunton. This Audio is for a 4th quarter project Oral History. The question asked are to be answered by the interviewee to re-cap on any memories about the civil rights movement times. I had interview Rita in Her home. We figured it would be best. As our interviewee answers these questions she thinks about the things the african americans had to go through. Hope you enjoy the audio for the Oral history Project. She talked about the things that went on in her life as a young girl. She provided bits of information that she remembered.


My interviewee had said a couple of this that caught my eyes. One things she had said went something like this “ ….we played baseball with hispanics.” At that moment I looked back and wanted to research things about hispanics being around or in company with the blacks. So on the http://www.tolerance.org/latino-civil-rights-timeline link 1953 During "Operation Wetback" from 1953 and 1958, the U.S. Immigration Service arrests and deports more than 3.8 million Latin Americans. Many U.S. citizens are deported unfairly, including political activist Luisa Moreno and other community leaders.

1954 Hernandez v. Texas is the first post-WWII Latino civil rights case heard and decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Hernandez decision strikes down discrimination based on class and ethnic distinctions.

I found out that In the civil rights movement there wasn't just black people involved, there were other races like the latios involved trying to get freedom. There are two happenings dated in the link .

Also in the audio interview Rita had said something about the marches in the civil rights movement. I decided to look up some more information about the marches held in america. http://mshistory.k12.ms.us/articles/62/the-civil-rights-movement-in-mississippi-on-violence-and-nonviolence in this link it had some distrubing things in the article writen. It talked about violence and racism. From there I realized that it wasn't just a march but it was a war basically.


TI- Today i will be doing a project on oral history and I wanted to ask you a couple of questions.

can i ask you what is your name and when and where were you born?

RB-MY name is Rita Bruton/ yuillei how do you spell that? Y-U-I-L-L-E-I I was born july the 5th 1948 and richmond virginia.

TI when growing up what were some things you couldn't do or what was something you could do.


RB-some things that i was not aloud to do was stay out late at night i would have to be in the house about 8 o'clock or on the steps.

okay umm

somethings i was aloud to do was like play baseball, kick ball

TI-did you play baseball with white kids?

RB-umm no it was like hispanic kids


TI-was you aloud to play baseball with white kids?

RB-Yes if there were any around

TI-and in your neighborhood were there any around?

RB-no there was no white kids in my neighborhood

TI-umm how did people act when they seen your skin color around

RB-umm are you talking about white people? Anybody pertaining to race.

RB-well there was no reaction but sometime when you would get on the bus there was white kids on there they would act like they didn’t want you to sit beside them and different things like that

TI-so did that ever happen to you?

RB-umm no not to me, not to me per say

TI-did any white kids act like they were frighten or feel like they were scared of you

RB-umm no

TI-did they speak to you?


TI-when you was younger did you like your skin color?

RB-yes i loved my skin color

TI-do you like your skin color today?

RB-yes i do

TI-how do you feel about race back then

RB-i wasn’t a racist, race didn’t matter to me black, white purple green whatever you still is a human being to me

TI-what do you remember about the civil rights movements

RB-they were on march, they went on different marches and white people would throw stones and stuff at the people that was marching in the civil rights march

TI-were you involved

RB-no i was not

TI-was your parents involved?

RB-no not that i know of, no my parent wasn't

TI-how did your mother react towards race did she like black people or white people, my mother didn't act funny towards no other races, do you know any times she was involved in racism with racism from a white person

RB- no, no

TI-how was your education experience?

RB-compared to the education now mines was marvellous because they taught us much better we had more activities to do in school and everything

TI-and, and so how do you feel about the world today

RB-the world today is crazy .

TI-do you feel like they were more racist now or back then when you were younger

RB-they were more racist back then than now

TI-why would you say that

RB-what the worlds more crazy?

TI-no that they were more racist

RB-because the way they acted back then, black people had to sit in back of the bus and white people had to in the front of the bus, they didn't want black and whites together as girlfriends and boyfriends a lot of black kids weren't allowed to play with the white kids they couldn't go in the same store if they did they had to go through the back door. thats the reason why i say that

TI-right so when you heard those stories did you feel some type of way

RB-i felt sad , for the kids and other people that had to go through that but i didn't take it out on other people

TI-right. well that you for the interview, ah wait i wanted to ask you another question, how do you feel about martin luther king and malcolm x.

RB-well i really didn't get into so much about malcolm x but martin luther king i felt as though he was a great man a great person because he tried to help everyone white,black whatever color he had not racism in him i think he was a great man

TI-so did your mother meet martin luther king,

RB-no not that i know of,

TI- right, okay thank you for the interview

Audio- here is my audio link , It wouldnt let me post to the media files it said there was a error abroad. https://slabeeber.instructure.com/courses/341/assignments/9453/submissions/827?preview=1&rand=203257#
