People Of SLA@Beeber: Jame Xayasomloth


Small Background:

Jame is a 16 year old gentlemen that is Thai and Lao. Jame aswell lives in Philadelphia and attends the school of Science Leadership Academy at Beeber, as a sophomore. He claims to be a “Foodie” and likes to be active and play things like a variety of sports.

Having said that here is an Interview:


Migdalia Ocasio (M)- Interviewer

Jame Xayasomloth (J)- Interviewee

M- OK so do you want to Introduce yourself?

J- I’m Jame Xayasomloth

M- I’m not going to say that OK, so um we are going to start in the past, What would you say is your best childhood Memory?

J- My best childhood memory was when i was in six flags. It was a family vacation. Um. It was the first time i had gotten in a roller-coaster and it will be the last time.

M- Why?

J- Because i was afraid. and it gave me that sensation in your chest that i didn't like.

M- So you never want to ride another roller-coaster again?

J- No, no I'm done.

M-Can you elaborate on the fact that you went to six flags. Why was it your best childhood memory?

J- Because that was actually the first time that we as a family, a whole family had did something together and gave us a chance, you know, to reunite and you know to meet up with each other and catch up with each other, yea.

M- Is there any other reason?

J- Um, not really, no.

M- OK um so now lets do the present i got to open this paper up, what are you most proud of?

J- I am most proud of being Lao, Thai and American.

M- OK why?

J- Why because i have the best of both worlds.worlds. I'm.. at the same time I’m american so i get to experience that life and then My, my,uh My parents background being Lao and Thai I get to experience that part two.

M- Is that all you want to say?

J- Uh, yea

M- Yea okay so um so now were going to go the future and What are some of your major goals?

J- Um one I’d like to be a mechanic. Two I’d like to be an engineer. Um I’m a hands on person. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. You know to experience new things. Like and my family we have like a whole line of mechanics. My uncle is a mechanic, my cousin, you know my grand-pop. So i just wanna carry on the tradition of being a mechanic.

M- Okay, so is there any last things you want to say i don’t know elaborate on something that you probably didn't elaborate on?

J- Um no not really.

M-  Alright Oh och, BYE BYE!!!!

Here is the Audio. Play It!!
