Plants & Grow Bed

Throughout the course of this benchmark, everybody had different and evolving responsibilities. I was responsible for working on the Water Cycle slideshow and completing the Daily Work Journal, which kept track of my team's progress and which things still needed to be done. Additionally, I was responsible for conducting any additional research about questions that arose as we were planning on building the system, such as which bedding we needed to get and finding the best things that would work with our intended goal. 

I've learned many things while I was reading the class blog. One specific thing that I learned throughout the completion of this project was how unique an aquaponics system is in the way it functions. It's a great thing because it's self sustaining, but the conditions need to be perfect in order for it to function the way it was intended. I've learned much about climate change, it's history, and it's negative impacts on the world. ​

Instruction manual: 

Class magazine: 
This is an image of the poster we created.
This is an image of the poster we created.
This is a picture of the fish tank.
This is a picture of the fish tank.
