PSA: End Food Deserts, Start a Community Garden!

There were an alarming amount of various issues that we could've picked from, but this topic, since we learned it, hit me. When I didn't live in Philadelphia, it was really hard to get groceries. The only store in town was a short drive, but when my mom was unable to drive it was a 45-minute walk. With three kids, it took a lot to feed us. I wish I was able to make a difference in the lives of those affected, I from first-hand experiences, know how hard it is to access fresh, good food. In this project, I took on many rules. I not only conducted all the interviews, but I also shot and edited the entire PSA. I had a lot of fun making the project, and I hope it will be enjoyable to watch as well. Next time, I won't take as many roles, it can be overwhelming but when you have vision sometimes you have to see it come to fruition. It was a wonderful project to work on with two good friends, and I hope for many more as we finish strong our 12th year.
