PSA Video and Reflection

Before beginning this PSA project and after reflecting on what true environmental justice is, I was very excited to explore in depth how we as humans affect the earth and how we can make it a better place. In the end, we all have to share it and even the smallest bit of pollution adds to the whirlpool of filth that is flooding our planet. When beginning to develop an idea for the direction of the public service announcement, it was crucial that we addressed a subject matter that does a few things. First, that it affects our community immediately and directly. Individuals are more likely to respond and understand if they can connect their life to the problem at hand. Second, that the content and subject of the PSA is interesting. The last thing any of us wants is to sit through yet another boring informational video. After thorough discussion on the topic of the video, we decided to inform the masses about abandoned homes and vacant lots on the city of Philadelphia. As a member of this group along side my partners, I was mainly responsible for  researching different statistics and analyzing the causes and effects on abandoned homes. Much of this research was included in the final product. While working on this project, I may have been able to communicate with my group members a bit better. There are many ideas and things that we may have been able to do had I opened my mouth more. In all, this entire process was very good and enriching. It was very eye-opening to see the statistics of abandoned homes and vacant lots and know that as a student and teenager, there isn't much I can do to help the problem.
