Q1 Project: Website Design- Sakura

The purpose of this project was to create a website that showcases who I am. The project is supposed to include  3 pages. The pages you have to have on the website is an about me page. A page with your resume and a page project to show what you  completed inside or outside of school. For the process of this project we had to complete certain checkpoints throughout the quarter to check on what we have completed so far on the project. Some successes I had doing this project was completing each checkpoint on time.

During this project I have learned many things. I learned how to use animation and features on this website. When completing the project I learned a little bit about myself. I learned that,  I enjoy making websites, even though it frustrating at times. If I could do this project different I would have planned ahead of time what exactly I would have liked to have on my website so I can make it more visually appealing . If I could give someone tips on attempting this project it would be to plan/sketch out how you want your website to look and what you would want on your website. This project has inspired me to try new things because, I really don’t do anything outside of school. Also my website isn’t that interesting because I don’t do any curriculum activities. The message had dictated the medium because what I put on the page dictated how page design of it looked.
