Q3 Artist Statement
What I have created with two original characters that I have created based on one of them wanting to be something that they weren’t and bring someone else. They wanted to be strong when they are seen as weak. They other was strong but had weak points. That’s why I created it as a Yin & Yang type image.The overall vision is that people can be similar, but people just hide it well. You can be seen as weak, but you have a strong heart or vice versa. I wanted people to know they we all have similar abilities but some are more prominent than others. I feel as though people will notice the yin & yang situation and understand the meaning for it first but they won’t notice the meanings that I placed within the entire images like the flowers with their individual meanings that represent the characters.I think I achieved a story for the characters that I create for myself and for others to see. I also think that I achieved something relatable if I explained it to them.I feel like I pushed myself a little more than usually because I usually avoid drawing anatomy because it isn’t my strong point in drawing. It shows that I’m trying to push myself to improve and do better.With contemporary art, my work is similar to this artist ( Rebecca Gray Smith ) because they did a similar yin yang concept that it had as well as the message it portrayed.
When I started making this project, I struggled to create a final image and then I finally went to the yin yang idea because I wanted them to be opposite of each other almost. After that, I struggled to draw the bodies that are flipped on both sides because it was something I wasn’t use to. Once that was finished, I breezed through everything else.I reflects on how everyone can have similar things in common but it takes a lot of digging to find the attributes, personalities , etc., of another person. It reflects on how I noticed that a person can be viewed as one thing but with closer friends and family, they’re something different.I think it can influence people to not judge others as much as they do. They may not even realize that the two have something in common based off of the physical image, which is wrong. Of course, everyone judges, but to verbally express your opinion to their face isn’t right.I don’t think any of the techniques I used was really important to it because they techniques I used were little basic. I had used to hatching for the inner circle to create a more of a drastic effect on the drawing. I also drew thicker lines for the outlines of the face and thinner lines for the small details since a thick would mess up the work.I think I only learned how to create better anatomy for males which I appreciate because that it my weak point.
Overall, I think I did the best with this project because I pushed myself to do something different and something that I struggled with. I would never get better if I never tried to do it. I’m also happy with the fact that I had had created those characters in such a short amount of time and had created story for them that wasn’t only good, but how relatable it was to me. I still feel like people can connect with it if only I explained it so not everyone might understand it but the basic points, which I think is good enough.
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