Q3 Image Editing Project Wesley White

My project consists of 7 photos in one, along with a couple more layers. My goal was to ultimately learn more about image editing, and I was definitely successful in doing so. Overall, I wanted the image to have the story of a person running, representing life, while the demons represent negativity or real demons, and the angels represent encouragement or real angels. The first thing I did for this project was put the photos on the background. After I did that, I moved them around so that they would seem like they are in the correct place, and where I wanted them to be. For the demons, I wanted it to look like they were behind the person running. For the angels, I wanted them to look like they were guiding the person running, so I put them in the air in front of the trees. Then, I tried to make the ground darker so that the demons would flow better, and that was a failure at first. I darkened the angels just a bit so that they would blend in better, and that gave them a sort of glow, which was cool. What was a first a failure, trying to make the demons flow, turned into a success because I turned the opacity down slightly to make them look more ghostly.

Through the completion of the project, I learned how to put images on other images, edit certain areas in the image, change the brightness and contrast as well as the color of the image, create layers, and duplicate images. What I learned about myself is that it is good to get help for something you are new at. However, at some point, I learned to figure it out myself, which benefited me in the end. The main problem I faced was the technical side of things. So, I really wouldn’t have done anything differently if I knew the same as I knew at the beginning of this project. One tip I would give others doing this project is get to know everything there is to know about your image editing program. Whether you are using Adobe, Pixlr, Polarr, or Inkscape, know as much as you can about the program, and if you don’t understand anything, ask questions. Also, never give up, because there were parts where I was frustrated, but I kept going, and eventually learned something new. This whole project inspired me to build things, whether online or not, and made more creative overall.

The links to each picture on the bottom of the page as footnotes. Adobe Photoshop helped me complete this project because it had many tools and allowed me to create what I wanted to create. It allowed me to move the images around wherever I wanted and darkened them where I saw fit. Overall, I learned a lot myself as an image editor, and I believe it was a successful completion of the project.
