Q4 Benchmark INDIVIDUAL final submission

Our video basically about what is garden and what a garden needs. Garden is a place where there are flowers, plants and other staffs are growing. garden needs making sure that there are the necessary things like rich soil, suitable condition and enough water and there are a lot to be mentioned. A garden is a place where there is life for plants and other seen and unseen insects or alike things.  
we are doing our benchmark based on our school's garden introducing the garden as well as the plants that are in biochem class that all students had to take care of theirs and gather hypotheses, guesses and other measures. to conclude we just introduce The garden of Science leadership Academy at beeber inside and outside of the building. 

     basically in this project I got some experiences of gardening as well as the needs of garden. the reading that we were reading about different things of gardening in different places helped me to change my previous misconceptions and misunderstanding about that.  how gardens are considered in our specialties, where they can have good condition and not, as well as what plants work of having nice and fresh gardens.  
what benefits gardens have and how they can grow as well what insects they need. learning what id garden and what is planted is easy when you are curious doing that. it easy I think easy thing but needs to be continuous.  
