Quarter 3 Nervous System Blog

Blog: Because we were allowed to pick our peers, i knew that this was going to be a enjoyable benchmark. This biochem benchmark was based around the bodily systems in the bodies of many different organisms. Our group choose the nervous system because it was something that we could agree on(or that the one we wanted was already taken lol). While working on this project, the process of building was very interesting as i had peers that i could socialize and work with. I contributed a lot to the group project as well as my peers. I would like to do this again next quarter.

Because we were allowed to pick our peers, i knew that this was going to be a enjoyable benchmark. This biochem benchmark was based around the bodily systems in the bodies of many different organisms. Our group choose the nervous system because it was something that we could agree on(or that the one we wanted was already taken lol). While working on this project, the process of building was very interesting as i had peers that i could socialize and work with. I contributed a lot to the group project as well as my peers. I would like to do this again next quarter.
