Quarter 3 Project

Maliya Edwards

Art 2

My Artist Statement

The reason I did this project because I really like painting and i thought it would be interesting to do this project. It was fun to mix the acrylic paint to see what the colors make. The design i created for this project was a sea shell. A sea shell with a sea like background was my original vision for this project. My  sea shell came out the way i wanted it to be the only thing that didn't come out so good was the coloring i choosed for the seashell. The three colors I decided to use for this project is dark blue which I had mixed with an acrylic black. I used a yellow orange color that made a light orange color that was the color I used for the seashell, and it was another darkish color I mixed with the blue to add into the background just to darken it.

What my work communicates is a sea shell with a dark blue background. It would make the viewer think of the beach because that's where you would find a lot of sea shells. I think what I achieved best through the creation is i made it look like the design i wanted to look like. I also achieved mixing my colors very well and picking out my colors good. This relates to my last art work because every time I do an art piece I challenge myself to something new.

The process I went through to create this project was simple steps. First I had to figure out what I wanted my design to be for my panting. Next i had to decide the 3 colors I wanted to use and rather i wanted to be regular or acrylic paint. Then I had to sketch my project, after i was finished sketching my project I then used some kind of printing paper to transfer that design onto a canvas. After that step I then mixed made a color graph that showed me what colors to mix and what the colors came out as. Once I was finished that I then made the 3 colors that I needed for this project and started to paint my design.  Here is the link I got my design from in case anyone was interesting. https://www.google.com/search?q=seashell&rlz=1CADEAA_enUS713US714&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwil0dP05PfSAhUC1mMKHfgFBTcQ_AUIBigB&biw=1366&bih=654#tbm=isch&q=easy+seashell+drawing &*&imgrc=puILndU1yw-yRM:

My artwork is a reflection of life because looking at this picture I think it would remind a lot of people of the beach. The beach is known as a happy place and where a lot of people have a good time at and it is considered as relaxation. It’s very important to keep a certain technique because if you don't or do something wrong that is not apart of the process it could mess the project. That's why it is very important to follow all steps of the project and it teaches us along the way how to follow steps in life to be careful and take our time.  


