Quarter 4 Benchmark: Aquaponics System
Link to manual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mqn4v3W9OgJ5os-Hqucb4CV9PQ53NHOKbA2Mo0SHAEo/edit
Link to the magazine: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19k19veakCvOLD6ujx-ZoW6U1g8IQJ38J/view
The Cycle of Matter poster: https://slabeeber.org/thumbnail/6396/1000x1000
Aquaponics system: https://slabeeber.org/thumbnail/6389/1920x1920
Throughout the process of the Quarter 4 benchmark, I worked diligently as a member of the Power, Pumps, and Pipes team. However, my specific roles were a Chemical Recorder as well as Poster and Presentation Researcher. I worked with Bella, Gianna, Spider, and Emily to meet the expectations of the tasks that were due. For example, Bella and I worked together to test ammonia within our system's water, Gianna, Spider, and I worked on the digital presentation slideshow, and I assisted Emily with outlining the final poster.
Additionally, what I learned from the class blog was that this was truly a team effort. Everyone on each team had a responsibility and primarily maintained whatever that single responsibility was. Furthermore, I learned that an aquaponics system requires so much for it to be successful. The fish must be happy, the plants must grow, the battery for the system must work, and so much more!
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