Ramlah, hurricanes

How do the earth systems affect each other?

Earths systems affect each other by impacting one another. Without one system the other system can’t happen, they need each other in order to be able to happen.The atmosphere impacts climate and weather, the hydrosphere shapes the land and gets affected by it, and the geosphere releases gases and minerals that affect the atmosphere and finally the biosphere that includes all life, relies on these processes for resources and contributes to their operation.

How can an understanding of environmental science aid in handling natural disasters?

Understanding environmental science can help us handle natural disasters by being able to prepare in advance by having previous knowledge about the earths systems.The more knowledge we have the more chances and possibilities there are for us to be able to predict and use our resources accordingly. Having the right understanding and knowledge could also possibly help us reduce the damage that natural disasters usually cause to the environment or maybe help us prevent them.
