Semaj Benchmark 3 Reflection

What value do we see in the biodiversity and natural resources of the earth? Healthy ecosystems help to maintain the Earth’s natural processes

What human actions are associated with altering earth’s natural systems? Burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock

How can individuals, communities and or nations live more sustainably? The more time you spend outside each day, the more likely you are to behave in environmentally-friendly ways, such as recycling, riding a bike, buying eco-friendly products, and so much more, This project help deepen my understanding of sustainablity is that now i think our society’s ability to exist and develop without depleting all of the natural resources needed to live in the future. Something that surprised me was the cost of solar panels i forgot much they went for. The things i help with on my project was the check points and creating an 3d print which was my first time so it was fun and cool.
