sink holes

All of the earth systems help one another function. Such as the Atmosphere and Biosphere work together to make photosynthesis using the oxygen from the atmosphere and the plants from the biosphere. The atmosphere is also the main source of transferring radiation and providing the geosphere with heat. The Geosphere has water running through it on several of its layers. Such as rivers and oceans are formed in the ground. The geosphere can also be broken down by organisms in the biosphere. If one knows how each of the systems affect each other, they can find out the weaknesses of each. Such as knowing what to do when a hurricane happens because we know how strong the wind can be on certain parts of the biosphere. In order to create a sustainable future, we can make an effort into living the way we want while trying to make the earth a better place to live on. We could find ways to prevent these natural disasters that are caused by the things we do like our overuse of fossil fuels. Based on what I’ve found, sinkholes are very interesting, yet underrated. I never thought that one could form just by water building up and breaking the surface layer of the Geosphere. I also didn’t know about all the other spheres in could effect. Such as the biosphere through its risk in damaging plants and other living organisms along its way.

