Social Media Survival Guide

Online, i’m just a girl who is always with friends or family. There are pictures of me and my friends, along with family. I post online and share pictures all the time, it’s how I share how i’m feeling or what i’m doing.

I think based on my appearance people see me as just a random girl, their friend, or somebody they barely know but like to judge.

Before I post online I consider who’s going to see it, what people are going to think about when they see what i’ve posted, and if it’s going to start an argument.

The pros of sharing online are:

-you get to share how you’re feeling

-you can make people laugh

-people can see your point of view on things, and maybe even agree with you

-you can communicate with other people by a simple post

The cons of sharing online are:

-you can get judge

-hate comments


-internet trolls

-some jobs take what you share/post into consideration

Lack of Control, Permanence, and Immediacy have an impact on our lives because whatever happens because of those things usually stick with us. For example, a mother posted a picture of her child and other people started making horrible memes about the child. People are very cruel online and they don’t think about who they’re affecting. The mother had no control over the situation. Permanence has a huge impact because once you post something it’ll be there forever and people can do things to your pictures that are harsh and inconsiderate. Immediacy is bad because things happen in the blink of an eye and you won’t have a say in it.

I think that it’s smart to have a social media background checks. It makes sense for the company to make sure they’re going to hire a stable, well rounded person. I do feel as though your private life is your private life so they can’t really judge you off of social media. Somebody could not look like the best candidate because of their social media but they could be the best worker inside of the office or wherever they work. Therefore, in my opinion it makes sense to have them, but I don’t think it should be what determines if somebody gets the job or not.

As stated on < >

“The most basic component of freedom of expression is the right of freedom of speech. The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government.” Freedom of speech covers freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It does not cover things such as, Captive Audience, Prior Restraint, Libel, Slander, Defamation, Absolute Privilege, Advocacy of Illegal Action, Fighting Words, Commercial Speech, Government Speech, and Obscenity. The Freedom of Speech is not what everyone thinks it is. You have a right to say what you think, but not to harm others while you’re doing it.

An internet troll is somebody that starts arguments or tries to upset people anonymously. Ignore them.

An internet troll’s goal is to make themselves laugh and upset others or make them angry. They get a kick out of affecting others emotions.

I don’t think we can stop trolling because there’s always going to be somebody that wastes all their time in trying to make others anything but happy. Internet trolls will always be around because they always find somebody to pick on and they have something to say about every little thing.

Pros of posting anonymously online!

-nobody knows it’s actually you posting whatever it is

-nobody can judge you

-you can post things that you might not want to post on your personal account

-nobody will call you out on what you post

Con of posting anonymously online!

-you could get the urge to bully, harass, or troll people.

-you might start to change your behavior for the worse.

-maybe others want to know who you actually are.

Top 3 tips to anyone on social media…

  • Do not post when you’re angry, because you will most likely say something you do not mean.

  • Do not post things that can ruin your reputation or that can hurt others.

  • First impressions matter so be careful with what you share on your social media accounts.

Comments (1)

Jonathon Rama (Student 2019)
Jonathon Rama

I really like your pros & cons about sharing online. The con about Trolls, how can you tell the difference between a troll who is doing it to give people joy from a troll who is trying to hurt them?