Social media Survival Guide

Sanai S.

When I am online I appear to be myself.Also a little boring mostly because I barely post anything on my social media accounts.But when I am on social media I am respectful to others and people that I don’t know.Online I consider myself to be a nice and kind person .And I think people could percieve me as a person who loves myself,friends and my family from what I already have posted on my accounts.Before I post anything online I think about if I want some of my family members to see it or people who really expect a lot from me,especially my mom.I really do not see myslf being different from who I am online and off.There are so many pros and cons to social media that’s why I have to watch what I post and what I say because people are always watching.There are so many good and bad things about being apart of social media.Some pros for sharing online are that social media helps people to interact in good ways as well as seeing other people and how they interact int their everyday lives.There are also some cons to being apart of this.And online so many people are able to get personal information about you and most people like to say negaitve things.Having the “Lack of Control” will affect the way people view you online.People don’t remember that even though you may delete things that you don’t think you should have posted it is still permanent and you don’t know where it may end up.My thoughts on social media background checks are that if you know that you don’t post anything that could potentially affect your career,there should be background checks so that the employer will know what kind of person you are and how you will represent that job.So I do think background checks are important for some people.But at the same time I believe that your work ethic has to match up with personality.Free speech is the right to express any opinion without restriction and everyone believes that they have the right of free speech.But it doesn’t protect all speech like fighting words or anything to that degree.Things like Internet trolls who are people who enjoy hurting others are not protected and their goals are to make people feel less than themselves.There needs to be a way to stop them and I believe if we learn how to ignore the things they say and not encourage it then there could be a major change and it will stop.So here are some tips that will help you be a good person in the social media community.

      3 tips for posting online:

  1. Think before you post

  2. Don’t be a bully

  3. Be respectful to others

Comments (3)

Raniah Johnson (Student 2019)
Raniah Johnson

I really like your tips, and how you said respect your self I included that in mines too because, I feel as though if everyone had respect for themselves half of the internet problems that happen wouldn't happen.