Stop Motion Project: Cell Cycle,Mitosis,Meiosis

This video shows the cell cycle along with the process of mitosis and meiosis. This video would help people have some type of understanding of how our body replicate cells. To create this video, I used different colors of playdough and a pipe cleaner. I had used these materials because they were in the classroom and easy to work with. Also, it was an easy way to show the cell cycle in a fun and interesting way. During this project, I had worked with someone else. We divided the work in half; she was in charge of Mitosis and I was in charge of meiosis. I believe we did a good job, however, I do believe that I could have done better. If I were to remake this video I would probably redo the photos because some were off. Also, I would fix the editing of the video. I think the most meaningful part was working with someone else.
