Street Art

The meaning of the art work I created is that I'm queen M. The M is the initial in my first name. Also, it's my 2 favorite colors, blue and purple. The thing that inspired my work was the fact that I love that my full name has 3 M's. Also, everyone has a high confidence and think they all that and i like crowns so i drew one on top of my M. I chose the location I chose because it needed to be somewhere high because I stand high and tall. This project changed my perspective of art because I used to think art was just great beautiful drawings of animals people buildings etc. But now I know it can be more than that. It can be irregular shapes everywhere splatter pain anything from your imagination is art. This project changed my perspective of art as I travel the city because around the city I see a bunch of graffiti. I always used to think graffiti wasn't art but after watching that movie, it's like everything around me changed my perspective. I didn't even think about the people that did it could be famous. Honestly everyone has a different meaning of art and mine is what come from your imagination. It can be something real or something from your imagination.  
