Taneeja Jones Capstone

For my capstone, we decided to make a YouTube channel with videos on how to survive SLA. We came up with this idea because kids normally watch YouTube videos all the time and everyone has struggles so we wanted to let people know they aren't the only people going through issues in school and give them ways to make it better. In our videos, we incorporate students and their view on SLA with q&a's. We also understand the struggles of being a student in such an independent school so we told our struggles and what we did to overcome them. Throughout the process, we learned that a lot of students are having the same struggles we had and that allowed us to incorporate how to get over them and make it through. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn6F2n9vTyLs6B2vUrjKkIw/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=0
