Tasheba Francis's Capstone

Lonely Lollipop
Lonely Lollipop
I made a music video that represents the emotions that come with living with mental illnesses. I don't want to post it on here until I present the project so enjoy this picture of a lonely lollipop. I tried something different for my capstone. My passion for video editing in tenth-grade still lives with me. Since my family has a history of mental illnesses and recently someone was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Growing up and going to many schools, adults and students tend to devalue mental illnesses once a person hits a certain age. In some cases, a person won’t be able to overcome illness or control it. People will tell someone with depression to stop being depressed, It’s not easy. I made this video to show people how this is a problem people have to face and live with. You can call this a PSA if it seems to way to you. Anxiety and depression are present mostly in teenagers. I hope this can bring some type of awareness even if people think it is bad or good, I just wanna get my point across.

Byrne, Jaimie. “Normal teenage behaviour vs. early warning signs of mental illness.” Friends for Mental Health, www.asmfmh.org/resources/publications/normal-teenage-behaviour-vs-early-warning-signs-of-mental-illness/.

“Tips For Making a Music Video.” Songstuff, 23 Apr. 2015, www.songstuff.com/recording/article/tips-for-making-a-music-video/.

Sonicbids. “4 Creative, Unique Music Videos to Inspire Your Own.” Sonicbids Blog - Music Career Advice and Gigs, blog.sonicbids.com/4-creative-unique-music-videos-to-inspire-your-own. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.

McKissock, Leah. “How to Make a Low-Budget Music Video That Doesn’t Suck.” Cheapsters, 10 Jan. 2013, www.cheapsters.org/how-to-make-a-music-video-that-doesnt-suck/. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.

Parekh, Ranna. “What Is Mental Illness?” What Is Mental Illness?”, Nov. 2015, www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/what-is-mental-illness. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.

Smith, Andy. “Using Copyrighted Music in Videos: When is it Legal?” Tubular Insights, 11 Feb. 2017, tubularinsights.com/copyrighted-music-in-video/. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.

“Too Close To Touch – Inside Voices.” Genius, 23 Sept. 2016, genius.com/Too-close-to-touch-inside-voices-lyrics. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.

“NAMI.” NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2016, www.nami.org/Learn-More/Mental-Health-By-the-Numbers Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.

Shumaker, Shannon. “Too Close To Touch - Haven't Been Myself.” The Prelude Press, 23 Sept. 2016, www.thepreludepress.com/album-reviews/2016/9/22/too-close-to-touch-havent-been-myself. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.
