The City of Killadelphia

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Comments (4)

Aamiyah Torres (Student 2024)
Aamiyah Torres

This topic is so amusing to me and sad. I've had family members and friends who died to gun violence. And though this is a big issue it seems like this is not talked about Enough. It's to the point where even 12 year olds are killing people and growing up around that kind of hate. Gun violence is the most number 1 problem we have in this world today and no one is doing anything to make it better. So I love that you did this topic it really stands out ! I know this may be a difficult topic for you or some people but this needs to be talked about a lot if we want it to end.

Kiyerah Daughtry-Hawk (Student 2024)
Kiyerah Daughtry-Hawk

Dear lyric: I am amazed by your poem ¨Don't Wanna Hurt Anymore¨ because… I feel like this tells a story and your message about gun violence in Philly. One part of your poem that stands out for me is where you say ¨Our community cries and our hearts bleed¨ I think this is very powerful because this is honestly the sad reality of the city we live in and it is sad that we have to face the fact of this is happening almost every day and nothing is being done about it. Another part that I loved is where you talked about your experiences with gun violence and what it means to you. This stood out for me because gun violence is a very hard topic to talk about especially if you've ever lost someone to gun violence I'm happy that this is something you would always put up a fight for because there are a lot of people who just sit back and watch but you're not one of them. Your zine as a whole reminds me of something I made once. One time I wrote a poem about losing someone to gun violence. It was honestly very hard for me to talk about it let alone get through the week. It was to a point where I just couldn't maintain my emotions anymore and broke down and to this day gun violence is also something I will continue advocating for because I know how it feels to have to go through this grieving process. Thanks for your Zine I look forward to seeing what you make next because I can tell that you're very passionate about things that are happening within our world and so am I.

Jenna Jones (Student 2024)
Jenna Jones

Dear Lyric Hicks : I am astounded by your collage, “ Gun Violence Collage” because… I feel as though you really did pour your heart into your work. I can tell that this is really close to your heart.One part of your collage that stands out for me is where where you have the sign “Don’t shoot me, I want to grow up”. I think this is sad because… This is the sad reality of the world we live in. Some people don’t get grow up because of the amount of gun violence in this world. Another part that I connect with is where the women is crying. This stood out for me because… gun violence often times found in people of colors neighborhoods. This shows the pain many of the mothers have to go through. Your collage reminds me of something that I made once. One time… I had to look up a current event and write about it. It was really sad at what I had found but it also opened my eyes. It really makes you see the world for what it truly is. Thanks for your collage . I look forward to seeing what you make next, because… I can see that you wrote about something that was very dear to you. So I know that what you write next will be something you are passionate about.