The Crisis of Inflation

Inflation Zine

Comments (16)

Kiyerah Daughtry-Hawk (Student 2024)
Kiyerah Daughtry-Hawk

I am amazed by, your zine “The Crisis of Inflation” as a whole because the images correspond well with the theme yall chose. It also gives off a very powerful message. One part of your poem ¨rapidly they rise¨that stands out for me is where you say ¨ching ching as the money leaves my pocket and into the register¨ I think this is relatable because as a teen I spend a lot of money on a lot of sometimes unnecessary things and this is how I feel once I give the money up to pay for something. Another part that I loved was where you talked about ¨the prices are levitating. they’re making things hard to afford¨in the poem ¨The devastation of inflation¨this stood out to me because nowadays literally everything is very high for no reason and it's kind of making people not want to buy things so places will start losing money because they're losing customers. Your topic reminds me of something I am participating in its not necessarily the same thing as your topic but one of the programs I am a part of is teaching me all about money. Such as dealing with different stocks, trading, buying stocks, investing, etc.Thanks for your zine. I look forward to seeing what you make next because I can tell yall put a lot of effort into putting out the best product.

Damaurion Rodgers-Benson (Student 2024)
Damaurion Rodgers-Benson

Dear Charlie Murden and Cassidy Brown,I am very amazed and satisfied by your zine “The Crisis of Inflation” because the drawing is so different from other , detailed and neatly drawn. You can see the amount of time and effort you put into y'all this zine. t Keep the good work guys

Cassidy Brown (Student 2024)
Cassidy Brown

Jordan, thanks so much for the feedback about the poem "rapidly, they rise". I really liked making that poem, as I feel like it totally grasps the reason as to why inflation is important.

Jenna Jones (Student 2024)
Jenna Jones

Dear Charlie: I am impressed with your Poem“ The devastation of inflation,” because… the use of rhyme in your poem makes it seem like a rap. I thought it was catchy and simple as it explains what inflation is. One part of your drawing that stands out for me is where the hand is holding the money and the arrows pointing to it I think this is creative because… it shows how the greed for money has caused the prices to go up. It also shows arrows of the effect of that like debt, and I thought that was really cool and creative even without color. Another part that I enjoyed is where you used hills in the drawing.This stood out for me because… it showed how high the prices where going up, and also shows how hard it is to be able to pay these prices. Your collage reminds me of something that I made once. One time… when I was in 4th grade, I had to make a collage of my own. In the collage I had to include things that represent me. In there I had put things about the economy like dollar signs and environment, and I can connect this to your collage because you also address the state of the economy when showing things about inflation. Thanks for your collage and drawing. I look forward to seeing what you make next, because… I can see that you are very creative. There was a lot of symbolism and I really liked that about your drawing and collage. I felt the drawing especially was really unique.

Jenna Jones (Student 2024)
Jenna Jones

Dear Charlie: I am impressed with your Poem“ The devastation of inflation,” because… the use of rhyme in your poem makes it seem like a rap. I thought it was catchy and simple as it explains what inflation is. One part of your drawing that stands out for me is where the hand is holding the money and the arrows pointing to it I think this is creative because… it shows how the greed for money has caused the prices to go up. It also shows arrows of the effect of that like debt, and I thought that was really cool and creative even without color. Another part that I enjoyed is where you used hills in the drawing.This stood out for me because… it showed how high the prices where going up, and also shows how hard it is to be able to pay these prices. Your collage reminds me of something that I made once. One time… when I was in 4th grade, I had to make a collage of my own. In the collage I had to include things that represent me. In there I had put things about the economy like dollar signs and environment, and I can connect this to your collage because you also address the state of the economy when showing things about inflation. Thanks for your collage and drawing. I look forward to seeing what you make next, because… I can see that you are very creative. There was a lot of symbolism and I really liked that about your drawing and collage. I felt the drawing especially was really unique.

Jordan Goode (Student 2024)
Jordan Goode

Dear The Creators of The Crisis of Inflation,

I am amazed by your poem “Rapidly they rise”, because I feel as if it truly expresses all of the emotion that goes into the causes of inflation. I also like the imagery you used around the poem Such as the dollar bills and signs that are increasing and then there's what I assume is a shop owner gripping the money to signify inflation. One sentence you wrote that stands out for me is: “they’re making things hard to afford,they’re putting people in debt, they’re limiting our experiences.” I think this showcases a lot of realism in the poem because it expresses how exactly inflation affects the community as a whole since the government is making it harder to live affordable lives with all of the price of things rising. Another sentence that I found very fascinating was: “Currently, the US is at a standstill of 8.2%, which is less than what it was in June 2022 (9.2%).” This stood out for me because it shows how even though inflation still affects us it's slowly decreasing as time goes on which is what I assume a lot of people aim to do. I seriously agree with you that inflation is dangerous, and it can cause a lot more harm than what people think it can. One reason I say this is that I feel as if due to the increase in inflation this may make it even harder for people to live comfortable lives. It may be difficult for people to afford the bare necessities and stripping that from us is gonna lead to a lot of people living in poverty. Another reason I agree with you is because even though inflation is a huge aspect, minimum wages may also work hand in hand with that and pushing people to live into poverty since opportunities are being stripped from people because of this money loss. Have you seen this video? I thought you might be interested in this because of how it brings recognition to inflation in this country and other countries as well as how they tend to increase and maintain its inflation status.Thanks for your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next because I feel as if you guys did an amazing job at showing such symbolism in your images to describe and represent your views on inflation. I also believe that whatever you do next will be fully explained hence how you guys were able to perfectly explain why and how you chose your topic.

Asa Morrison (Student 2024)
Asa Morrison

Dear Charlie Murden and Cassidy Brown: I am amazed by your zine “The Crisis of Inflation” because the drawing is so unique, detailed and impressive. You can see the amount of effort put into this zine, this is so inspirational. Keep the good work guys!

Jonathan Byrd (Student 2024)
Jonathan Byrd

What caught my attention is The title and art behind it it's very. Creative and catches my attention and the slides are also have very art I like the background aswell.

Sincere Robinson (Student 2024)
Sincere Robinson

Thanks for your art. I look forward to seeing what you make next, because the image of the hand grasping the cash tightly is cool. It also represents the theme of the zine really well.

Leah Brown (Student 2024)
Leah Brown

Wow guys! I am utterly blown away by the artistic prowess you two have displayed in your zine! I admire your in depth look into what inflation really means to you. I love the art and use of different textures and letters to make the zine look just as interesting as it is informative. Great work!

Leah Brown (Student 2024)
Leah Brown

Wow guys! I am utterly blown away by the artistic prowess you two have displayed in your zine! I admire your in depth look into what inflation really means to you. I love the art and use of different textures and letters to make the zine look just as interesting as it is informative. Great work!

Shahid Karnai (Student 2024)
Shahid Karnai

One part of your zine that stands out for me is where you have the art. I think this is cool because they both express the message of the zine, but they look really good at the same time.