The Internet and You

Slide 1- Impression. The word I chose that expresses how my online choices affect me is impression. What I do online gives people their impression of me. First impressions mean a lot and usually that happens online. When somebody looks you up they get a certain impression and that's how they see you. I would like my impression to be good, that's why I chose impression as my word.

Slide 2- Relationships. The word I chose that expresses how my online choices affect others is relationships. I chose relationships because when you do something online you could either gain a friend or lose a friend. Your family and friends see what you do online so it could easily affect them. You could hurt your relationship online without even realizing it. Also, you can meet people online so that's a good way it affects your relationships.

Slide 3- Reflection. The word I chose to express my number one rule for posting online is reflection. What you post online is a reflection of you. What you say and do online defines you. What you do online is how people see you. Be careful what you post because people see it as a reflection of who you are. 
