Think Before You Post Essay

An example of Thinking Before You Post, is IHOP posting a Sexist joke towards their food. IHOP always makes edgy jokes towards their food, but one post took it one step too far, to their 242,000 followers. The tweet said, ¨Flat, but has a GREAT personality¨. The community took this the wrong way, and starting to call IHOP, and complain about this inappropriate tweet. IHOP ended up apologizing about the tweet, but the damage had already been done. This tweet had gotten people upset, over a single tweet which can get to a lot of people. It is also stated in the website ( “ Tying your product to any part of the body is ill-advised, especially when itś highly offensive¨. Social media can cause many offensive comments to you, or anyone else. You would have to be careful of what you're posting, and commenting on. It can cause many doubts, and multiple opinions about what you are doing. Lack of control was played here by IHOP not able to apologize towards their followers, but having the damage already done, and people not taking the apology seriously. You can’t really say sorry to something that you already gave multiple people a upset perspective about. Lack of control played a part in this, and IHOP followers took this the wrong way.

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