Natural disaster - Tornadoes

1. While learning on the four earth systems we've covered ive learned that they all encounter each other and may also affect each other. The hydrosphere and atmosphere join together which creates clouds, which also cause rain and can benefit the biosphere that will create photosynthesis. The Hydrosphere ( water ) and the (Geosphere ) are what shapes the earth, we benefit from the systems and it helps us stay alive. 2. We began talking about natural disasters and how to prevent them from happening to us people. This is beneficial for others to know and to give specific detail on how we can make a solution. Knowing before something happens on a system will help lives, 3. We can definitely have a very sustainable future is taking place in the places who are in lots of need right now. We can also use fewer resources that contain fossil fuels, eat healthily and to give notice on what's going around the world, We have a choice and we need to make the right decisions. (Reaction to findings:) I believe this is a very interesting topic with researching how does this natural disaster affect many lives. There were somethings that surprised me while doing research and how it involves other systems. Tornadoes are formed when hot and cold air mixes and the higher the category the more damage it will do. Tornadoes are very affected by mostly everything on earth.


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