Wake up #DAPL

People are using facebook and instagram to spread the word or to wake people up or to let them know what's going on with the standing rock. #HonorTheTreaties #NoBakken #SacredStoneCamp#STOPDAPL#MniWiconi #SacredWater #NoDAPL #RezpectOurWater #WaterIsLife#StandWithStandingRockThey theses hashtags are effective with spreading the word, but it won't stop them from destroying the burial ground. Social media plays a role in this because it helps them get together to stand up or help them spread the word

  1. Read: Norway's Largest Bank Sells Assets in Dakota Access Pipeline Company.  (Links to an external site.)

1)Summarize and write your opinion to the article

Basically whats going on is that they may not meet the deadline so they might cancel the contract.

2) Seeing as that a big shot foreign company just divested from DAPL, what would you like to tell the American people to do?

I honestly wouldn't know what to tell people to do. But i guess i would tell them that we would have to stand higher and stronger together. But if we really do lose it, i would say we should try and make sure that this gets built in a way where nothing bad could happen.

3)How can the American people and government create an environmentally just America? Be specific and explain why your suggestion is helpful in creating a just society.

We Americans should find more ways for us to be environmentally friendly. I think that if we were to find more ways to be environmentally friendly we would be able to live in a world where we would have to protest the #DAPL. Like what if we were to find more ways or a solid way for us to run of of something more environmentally friendly. Instead of gas, how about grease or water, or maybe even if we were to just make electricity a more powerful source for us to use it for everything instead of gas?



#HonorTheTreaties #NoBakken #SacredStoneCamp#STOPDAPL#MniWiconi

Since April, Native American activists and environmentalists have been protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), which would run nearly 1,172 miles and carry over half a million barrels of crude oil a day from the Bakken Oil Fields in North Dakota to refineries in Patoka, Illinois.

We need to stand together to raise more awareness and to help protest.

If you want to help or donate you can contact-

Donate items from the Sacred Stone Camp Supply List directly to their P.O. box :

Sacred Stone Camp

7908 Highway 1806

Cannonball, ND  58528

Lee Hanse

Executive Vice President

Energy Transfer Partners, L.P.

800 E Sonterra Blvd #400

San Antonio, Texas 78258

Telephone: (210) 403-6455


They want to protect their land and resources, the water protectors at Standing Rock have endured intimidation and harassment by Energy Transfer’s private security and police; dozens of arrests; violent attacks with dogs and pepper spray; removal of their water supply; and intentional destruction of burial sites, prayer sites and culturally significant artifacts. .

 Works Cited

"Environmental Justice." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2016.

Palacios, Llene. "12 Ways You Can Support the Water Protectors and Dakota Pipeline Protesters at Standing Rock." Gozamos RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2016.
