Water Pollution.

  1. ​In Environmental Science, we've talked a lot about Environmental Justice, and what it means to be environmentally just. The definition of environmental justice according to Wikipedia is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. In order for my project to relate back to this topic, I researched different issues that I thought would inspire me to educate the world on, similar to what I did with the Dakota Access Pipeline. I decided that I would discuss an issue with something that I use everyday, which was water. My group and I focused on the Delaware River as it runs through Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The issue of water pollution pertained to me because there are people who do activities in this water such as rowing, and the water which contains toxins, and bacteria can splash on them, and then they often will just get in their car with the wet clothes from rowing, and contaminate their car with bacteria, and they're unaware of it.
  2. The members of my group were Keya Ghosh, Samir Smith, and Jenna Cox. The role that I played in the group was the organizer. I helped to keep all of the documents organized, and made sure they were completed in a timely manner, and there were little to no errors. I also made sure that no group member had a bigger part than someone else and that we had enough time to edit the video.
  3. In regards to what we did well, I believe that I did well with organization, and proofreading. I could have done my recordings earlier in time though, because I could only hope that I spoke well enough, and loud enough for the video. I also think that I could have set a dress code so that we all would have been in the video instead of doing a voiceover.
  4. The most meaningful part of the creating the PSA is that I was able to collaborate with a new group of people who have different abilities, as well as learn more about a topic that I would have glossed over in the news. I hope that the right people come in contact with the video my group members and I created, and learn a lot about it. I was also able to incorporate prior knowledge of water issues into the PSA which made it even the more meaningful for me. 
