We All Crack: Zion Gonzalez

  • ​The meaning of my work is that we all crack, we have all those moments were are not are self. I used Batman and The Joker. Batman is a hero who needs to keep his calm and never cross the lines to criminal. Though the he may find himself crossing the line for a brief moment, and The Joker is his craziest villain. 
  • What inspired was Ben Affleck's Batman, many times in the Batman vs. Superman movie he found himself crossing the criminal line. Also in his dreams he would kill people.
  • I chose the hall corner because everybody goes there so I can show off. 
  • It didn't really change my perspective of Art, but I was surprised when I got the project because I felt like it condones Street Art.
  • As I travel around the city I see Street Art all the time. No I am not talking about tags that only bare one color and reps a gang. I am talking about actual art, certain graffiti has actual skill and people actually put time in it. Also I see the type of Street Art on the walls that people put up and it has a deeper meaning to me now. 
