Where Is Our Family?

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Comments (2)

Brooklyn Spraggins (Student 2024)
Brooklyn Spraggins

Dear Aaron :

I really like the cover page of your artwork, “Where is our family?,” because it already gives me an idea of what issue is going to be talked about. This is issue is also not an easy topic but I'm glad you thought it would be important to talk about.

One part of your artwork that stands out for me is how in depth your poem is. And you can truly feel the emotion and really natural. I think this is amazing because it allows the reader to really empathize with what you are talking about, and it shows how passionate you are about this topic. This topic really isn't easy so I truly commend you.

Another part that I found interesting is where you had a cutout that said "When are we going to do something". This stood out for me because this was a similar sentiment that I included in my zine as well.

Your poem reminds me of something that I made once. Around the time of BLM uproars, and protests. I participated in a protests with my former school, where I held up a sign with the names of Black people both young/old, male/female, and names heard of and unheard of. It was something really important to me and I keep it in the back of my mind as much as I can.

Thanks for your artwork. I look forward to seeing what you make next, because you are a very passionate writer and I can appreciate that.

Dominic Monteleone (Student 2024)
Dominic Monteleone

Dear Mr.Foy, I am happy with your interview and with the whole zine because it is constructed well. You put a lot of effort into it and it is obvious when you read the interview since your talking to someone who is close to you as you mentioned. One part of your collage that i enjoyed was the use of cut-out words because it looks organized and it is a good way to do a collage. They really add to the theme and I thought it as a good idea. Your poem reminds me of mine mainly because of the unique structures of our poems even though the design of your poem was executed really well. The way it turned out was amazing and i feel like it adds to your overall topic. Thank you for your contribution/artist statement page because I feel like it dives into your vision, I am looking forward to seeing what is next because your unique designs are cool to look at and will definitely be an inspiration to others