Wolf Sketch

  1. Describe your project
    The project is a sketch of a wolf.

  2. What knowledge did you already have about the project before you started?

I knew how wolves look and their characteristics of them so it's easier to draw the details.

  1. What new skill did you want to learn coming into the project?

I learned how to outline a drawing to keep on what have looking neat and to keep it from looking like its fading.

  1. Did you accomplish this goal?

    Yes I accomplished this goal because I successfully outlined the wolf and I colored in what I could to bring it more to life.

  2. How do you know you accomplished the goal? If you didn’t accomplish the goal, why do you think that is?

I accomplished this goal because the wolf looks more permanent and the colors seem to have brought the characteristic of the wolf to light. The drawing is much better than when I first started.

  1. What other skill(s) did you learn along the way?

    I learned how to not follow a pattern when drawing fur so that it has that wild unkempt fur look.

  2. What are you most proud of in this project?

    I am most proud of the wolf’s eyes and the color I chose for it. It’s the thing that stands out to me the most.

  3. What would you do differently if you had to do the project over again?

I would sketch a wolf in a different position, probably from a side profile because I think that would make for a cleaner drawing and I could probably get more detail in the drawing.
