Lateness Policy
School starts at 8:15 every morning. The school opens for student access at 7:00 am, so there should not be a reason for students to time their arrival so closely as to risk being late. Students who have accrued 10 unexcused latenesses will have to have to serve a Saturday detention. From that point on, students will have to serve a Saturday detention for every 5 subsequent latenesses. Saturday detentions will take place every other week at SLA from 9 am - noon. Students who do not report to the Saturday detention will be enrolled in the Saturday SMART program at Ben Franklin High School.
Latenesses that are the result of doctor visits or other extenuating circumstances, accompanied with a note, will not count toward detentions. Train delays that are not reported by SEPTA are not excused. Seniors who do not have a first period class do not have to report until second period.