MakerSpace Schedule






7:15-8:00am Zhi

7:15-8:00am Zhi

7:15-8:00am Zhi

7:15-8:00am Zhi

7:15-8:00am Zhi

[A] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[E] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[D] Troy + Zhi

[C] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[B] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[B] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[A] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[E] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[D] Troy + Zhi

[C] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[X] All

[Y] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[A] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[X] All

[Y] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[Y] Brodie + Kiersten

[X] All

[B] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[Y] Brodie + Kiersten

[X] All

[C] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[B] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/


[E] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[D] Zhi + Troy

[D] Troy + Zhi

[C] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/


[A] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

[E] /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/



Based on Shop Manager




Based on Shop Manager Availability


Ten Makerspace Commandments

3 Strikes you get kicked out of the space for a day

+1 Strike you get banned for a week

+1 Strike you get banned for 2 weeks Etc.

  1. Thou shalt ask for help when in doubt.

  2. Thou shalt wear safety glasses.

  3. Thou shalt not eat or drink in the space.

  4. Thou shalt not wear loose clothing or headphones.

  5. Thou shalt not operate machinery unless certified.

  6. Thou shalt be mindful of thine environment.

  7. Thou shalt clean up after thyself.

  8. Thou shalt refrain from horseplay and buffoonery.

  9. Thou shalt not leave thy projects lying around.

  10. Thou shalt store and mark claimed resources properly.

Levels of Certification

  1. Level 0: Hand tools only.

    1. Anyone who comes into the shop can use hand tools, but they would have to work forward to use the stationary tools.

  2. Level 1/Amature Shop Worker: Can use hand tools, and laser cutter.

    1. Laser cutter is a requirement for level 1 so you can get a Shop ID

    2. Has to make Shop ID using the laser cutter themselves.

      1. Must look original

      2. Can’t be just their name

      3. Has to have polygons, and curved lines.

  3. Level 2/Shop Worker: Can use hand tools, laser cutter, and all stationary tools. (But they can’t be in the shop alone, they have to have a Shop Manager with them.)

    1. Must update Shop ID, make a new one, stating which level of certification they’re on.

    2. Must make a new item showing they are capable of using all (stationary) tools in the shop.

      1. Has to show creativity

      2. Has to show initiative (buy own supplies if needed)

      3. Has to show responsibility (make sure you clean up after yourself)

  4. Level 3/Makerspace Technician: Can use all tools, and is a part of all meetings involving the makerspace and improvements to the space.

    1. Must update Shop ID again, showing their level.

    2. Must create a presentation showing why they should become a Makerspace Technician.

      1. Must show how the makerspace has changed the way they do things or the way they are as people.

    3. HAS to show a high level of responsibility and initiative for the space itself.

      1. Keep Makerspace clean at ALL times

      2. Make sure people are following rules

      3. Trains other students.

  5. Level 4/Shop Manager: Can use all tools and can run the space without any supervision, as well as kick people out of the space if required.

    1. Must make a Shop Manager ID

    2. Must get permission from every Shop Managers to become a Manager.

    3. Must go for a “Manager Interview.” With 1 Manager who chose him and 2 who didn’t.

      1. Needs to include faculty

    4. May laser cut something, may make anything you want to present, and may make a presentation, may bring a resume or any other piece of writing.

    5. Must enforce the rules

    6. Is responsible for any injury, and any problems that occur in the space

    7. Must go to required Manager meeting every 2 weeks.

Code for Managers

  1. There has to be one shop manager on duty if the space is open.

  2. The shop manager should only ever be watching over the space. They can’t be working on their own stuff.

  3. The shop manager on duty must have a thorough enough understanding of the tools to an extent where they can teach others.

  4. Shop managers must set an example on safety and all other rules followed by users.

  5. Shop managers are responsible for keeping track of time and making sure you have enough time to clean up.  SET AN ALARM.   

  6. Shop managers may not leave the maker space unattended at any time unless users are aware.

  7. In the event that someone is injured, shop managers are responsible for contacting an adult.

  8. Always have a Technician in the space just in case.