Two questions
Does Technology reflect society and culture or shape it?
I think technology both reflects our society and culture and shapes it. I believe this because it can remember us when we do stuff with it, like some of the things we talk about, like when we say something on Twitter, it can go viral and depict us badly. But on the other hand, we shape it by the stuff we make out of it, like when we made the world’s first computer or an iPhone. It all changed us for the better, and along with that came a bunch of other things that shape how we do our lives.
Does Technology always improve our lives?
I don’t think technology constantly improves our lives because it can make us focus less while we are on our phones. This is because we are trying to multi-task and do something else and do it poorly or are so focused on our phones that we forget our goal; the pupils, or the dark centers of the eyes, were also smaller, which is a known marker of reduced attention. But it can also help us with homework, cooking, art, writing, and communication with each other across places. And someone made a device sends different automated alerts to parents and local authorities when the temperature inside the car crosses certain thresholds.