Air Pollution

Air pollution is caused by fossil-fuels, vehicle exhaust fumes, construction and agricultural activities, natural causes and waste. My group wanted to highlight this issue because we see this problem as a major problem that is causing so many things to happen to our economy. One issue that comes from this pollution is cancer by most people smoking cigarettes that have so many chemicals that are harmful to the human body. Also, in highlighting this type of pollution it generates an essentail message that we care about earth by the changes that are occurring on our Earth such as climate change with the weather being cold one day then hot. Throughout this project I was the researcher that helped my group get all the information about our issues plus telling my team memeber about my findings in order to alert them about what we could add to our project. In reflecting off the project I did well in being supportive for my team memebers. If my group got a chance to redo the project I think we would change our time that we spent in making the video, the video would be don before the due date.In conclusion, the most meaningful part about this PSA is just learning more about air pollution and knowing more about how this issues is really affecting Philadelphia’s community.
