Air Pollution PSA

My PSA outlines different contaminants, their effects on human and animal life, and their environmental impacts. I wanted to capture two perspectives by showcasing “The Two Sides of Philly”: The green side and highly polluted side. My PSA was specifically directed towards the city and large companies to emphasise the majority of responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions they hold, despite the blame often being pushed onto individuals. With this PSA I aimed to educate individuals on dangerous outdoor and indoor pollution, without making them feel like a future of sustainability is their responsibility ALONE. “In addition to marketing the idea of an individual ‘carbon footprint’, companies should audit their process to identify environmentally harmful operations, and then work to replace them.”

Though I am happy with the perspectives I was able to capture, I wish I had captured the polluted side of Philly better. This could have looked like more images of factories, trash, and neighborhoods.

The most meaningful part of this experience, for me, was being able to analyze an area in which I have spent my whole life exploring. I have had access to both the green areas, and polluted areas of Philly all my life, and this project has introduced me to an entirely new perspective on pollution here. I am more motivated than ever to advocate for families and individuals living in parts of Philly where air quality is much less than adequate.
