Artist Statement
I created this because I’ve noticed that I like creating hard-surface models more than organic surfaces just because it’s more fun to me even if it’s less like actual sculpting. My overall vision for the piece was a take on a vic viper (a ship with two long prongs in the front and a large engine in the back.) I’d hope this is a properly conveyed science fiction ship. Through this piece I taught myself more on reflections and lighting to create interesting pieces and i’ve gotten much better at it.
The method I used to create this was the same as everything else i’ve made, but essentially I did as follows:
Use basic shapes, and adjust the camera for an interesting angle
Use primitive shapes to block out shape of vehicle
Delete the primitive shapes and replace them with detailed parts
Create shader to give it an interesting texture (I actually made this shader as a product awhile ago)
Experiment with lights in the scene for clean and interesting reflections
Fix reflections in Krita, and do final post editing there.
My piece as it stands compared to the people I look up to is just completely out classed in all fields. Things like Modeling, Texturing, Shading and lighting. The piece that I made doesn’t reflect the world i’m in or anything deep like that, nor my experiences but it’s just something i’m passionate about (Science Fiction).
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