Art 2 quarter 4 benchmark

For this art project, I drew a replica of lady Pink and smith art therapy. After I did my artist study project on lady pink, I was very fascinated by her work and her style of writing. I decided to redo this specific project of hers, because the colors are very vibrant and the piece was also very complex.Due to the complexity in this piece recreating it was a challenge, but I accepted the challenge and completed it.

The first approach was to color the drawing on a canvas, but unfortunately when trying to transfer the drawing to a canvas it did not look neat enough, because of that inconvenience, the plan changed to cutting out the drawing and gluing it on a black canvas.

The process of this art piece has its ups and downs, but it was very fun. It required a lot of curved lines, but the most difficult thing was drawing a the two dragons on the forehead, especially the one on the left, which is my non dominant side.

This project was also very time consuming and required a lot of focus, just to get colors fully distributed and lines drawn to perfection.

The materials used were; paper,pencil,colored pencils,canvas,x acto for cutting the drawing out, paint for the canvas and paper glue to glue the cutted out drawing to the canvas.

