The topic we decided to choose was asbestos. we have decided to choose this as our topic because Asbestos has become an issue that is now affecting children all over the school district and this country. There has been at least 6 schools just this year in the district that have had to close for a limited amount of time or even the rest of the school year because of an extreme asbestos outbreak. One school has been accused of knowing about this issue for at least 2 years and nothing was said about it. That not only puts the staffs lives at risk, but the children most importantly! August of 2021, this school was shut down our first week because of an asbestos outbreak, we had to remain virtual which was extremely brutal due to already ebbing virtual for 1 1/2 years. This is an issue that cannot stay hidden and remained not spoken about. This PSA is to talk about the risks, the affects it has on students, and to be informational as well (with some fun). We hope you enjoy our video as much as we enjoyed making it and stay safe because asbestos is on the loose!
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