Botany Project: Tyrone Grant
Hello, I’m Tyrone Grant, one of the members of Peachy Designs. I am here to talk about and represent a design that my company has made which would bring a better economy into the school. The design we made was to help bring plants into the building, more specifically for our client, Ms. Fanning. This design brings much more life into her small and lifeless room. She requested to have some life put into her room such as plants because she loves plants and want some in her room. This is how we came up with our design. The design that my company made was a planter. We believe that a planter is the most capable for bringing in plants into her room.
When you think about what plants need to survive such as water, soil, and sunlight, these needs are important information when we made our design. So, We made our planter deep so that there would be an abundance amount of soil so that Ms. Fanning could have a diverse selection of plants, made sure that the planter was open so that the plants could get plenty of sunlight, and we closed up the cracks and and laminated the wood so that the water wouldn’t negatively affect the wood or her room in general. It was crucial for us to improve our design because plants can be affected by so many things like: if there were a lack of water or sunlight for the plants, it would most likely kill the plant, or if there’s a lack of soil, the plant wouldn’t be able to obtain enough nutrients from the dirt which would make the plant die as well.
Most of the plants that Ms. Fanning chose can usually be grown inside of a building which beneficial for us because we would then have to create a design that was built for more of the outside. That’s why the design of the plants and our own design are so similar, because they were both made for the inside. When we made our design, we’ve used different types of technology to come up with our calculations and produce our object. At first, I always thought that technology and nature don’t mix with each other, they just try to cancel out each other. But after doing this, I realized that technology can enhance and improve our nature because we used technology to make something economic and beneficial to our economy.
Overall, I believe that all members of the Peachy Designs have come together to make a wonderful design that has potential to brighten up this building, but there were a couple of problems that our company did bump into. For example, some workers contributed more than others. I want all of the members to contribute an equal amount of work so that it would be fair to call it our design. The second thing is that if my company had more time, the overall design would probably be more “polished” than what it is now. Beside those two things, the design was a success, and our client was happy with the overall design.
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