Tyrone Grant Public Feed
"United Under One Race"
For this project, our class had to imitate or create an art piece from a famous artist. The artist that I was studying was Vik Muniz, who is known for making collages that creates an ultimate image for viewers. I decided to create an artwork that is influenced off of Vik Muniz and has a message to give to other viewers. I call this art piece “United Under One Race”.
The materials that I used for this art piece were sharpie markers, construction paper, and newspapers. With the sharpie marker, I drew an outline of a person with her arms sticking out and cut out a bunch of heads from the newspaper. Then, I glued all all of the heads of colored people within the body, and all of the heads from white people and surrounded the body with them. The technique of using a collage of white people surrounding black people is essential to this art piece because it helps viewers get a better understanding of the message that I want my art piece to share. This art piece doesn’t really relate to my previous work because my focus on this art piece was to send a message to the black community, while on the previous work, I didn’t really focus on a message. The message that I wanted this art piece to display is: “We’re all we have, we’re all we need.” The reason why I wanted to display this message is because in recent history, there are times when we still feel like we’re surrounded by racism. And, I wanted to display this message to remind those people that during those times we need to lookout for each other and speak as one race to bring awareness to racism.
Overall, one thing that I wish that I could improve would be to make the art piece look better, but I’m not beating myself over it because this was my first time making a collage. However, my goal wasn’t really to create a beautiful art piece, but more of a meaningful art piece, and that’s something that I’m proud of because I felt like I made it very meaningful. I hope that one day someone can actually look at my art piece and acknowledge the message that I tried to implement into it.
Tyrone Grant's Capstone
Q2 Charcoal Drawing
For my Q2 project, I decided to make a charcoal drawing. This drawing is supposed to be a man with wings looking into the moonlight.
Q2 Benchmark
Toxic City Reflection
My Art Piece
For my Portfolio project, I decided to make a brain with the emotions that I show the most inside the brain. The way it looks is that the outside is completely black to make the brain stand out more in the portfolio, then inside the brain is various colors. Each color has an emote that describes the emotion. The tools that I used for this drawing is charcoal for the outside because I like how it looks on paper compared to a regular marker or colored pencil, and it’s easier to use and color in the spots unlike a regular pencil. For the various colors inside the brain, I decided to use color pencils because I believe it gives it a nice contrast with the charcoal and it’s not too much for the eyes to take. Lastly, I used a sharpie marker to help bolden the outline of the brain.
The step by step process is pretty simple because the first thing I did was to try and create an outline of the brain. Then, I made little boxes in the brain for each emotion. Once that was done, I realized that it was pretty bland, so I wanted to add color; so I made different color for each box and decided to make the outside color black. Overall I actually liked my picture because I’m not a good artist and it looked pretty good to me. One thing that I would fix if I had another opportunity to do this project would be to make the emotes look better because in the critique, my reviewer said it kind of hard to tell what some of the emotions were, but other than that I believe I did a good job.
Natural Distasters Project
Botany Benchmark
Quarter 4 Benchmark
Slide 1: Hello, my name is tyrone and I’m going to be talking about the project experience of this class.
Slide 2: For my 1st quarter project, we had to make a website about ourselves which was an interesting experience for me.
Slide 3: My main goal for this project was so that jobs and other colleges could get to know more about me and understand who I am as a person in my community.
Slide 4: I think it was pretty successful making this website because not only did I talk about myself, but I also showed the work that I produced to understand my work ethic.
Slide 5: For my 2nd quarter project, I was one of a few that decided to make a graphic design by making a sign to show a message.
Slide 6: The main goal of the project was to make a street sign that tells you a message without using any words.
Slide 7: Unfortunately, I doesn't think it was a success for me because people didn’t really understand the message of my sign.
Slide 8: For project 3, I was one of the few to make a video about whatever we want, as long as it was short. I chose to make a video about video games.
Slide 9: My main goal for this project was to put my hobby on display so that everyone would get to know more about me.
Slide 10: I think that this project was pretty successful because everything went well and when I watch the video myself, I get fascinated.
Slide 11: As you can see here this my revised project. I chose to revise my project statement for my Q2 project.
Slide 12: I chose to revise this because I feel as though I didn’t do a good job overall on it by not answering all of the questions.
Slide 13: This just shows the differences of what my project used to look like and what it looks like now, but you can’t really see any differences from this point of view.
Slide 14: I believe the high point for me in this class was the fact that I either met or exceeded expectations on projects throughout this year.
Slide 15: I believe a growth for me was that I pretty much adapted to Miss Hertz’ expectations in terms of process because at first it was pretty difficult for me to adapt to how much she wanted done at a certain time which was pretty hard at first but got the hang of it.
Slide 16: All these projects helped my creativity develop outside of school which helped me design more things in an artist-like perspective.
Slide 17: I don’t think there is any need for changes, except for letting people have their own option of doing a project with Miss Hertz’ approval.
Slide 18: Make sure to have a creative mindset for your project because being really creative will help you get a good grade on an assignment.
Slide 19: Work ahead of time because if you slack off, all the checkpoints are going to close before you even know it, and then you’ll have a bad grade.
Slide 20: The last tip is to just have fun because it’s boring if you pick a project that you don’t want to do, and it can make you less eager to complete it.
Botany Project: Tyrone Grant
Hello, I’m Tyrone Grant, one of the members of Peachy Designs. I am here to talk about and represent a design that my company has made which would bring a better economy into the school. The design we made was to help bring plants into the building, more specifically for our client, Ms. Fanning. This design brings much more life into her small and lifeless room. She requested to have some life put into her room such as plants because she loves plants and want some in her room. This is how we came up with our design. The design that my company made was a planter. We believe that a planter is the most capable for bringing in plants into her room.
When you think about what plants need to survive such as water, soil, and sunlight, these needs are important information when we made our design. So, We made our planter deep so that there would be an abundance amount of soil so that Ms. Fanning could have a diverse selection of plants, made sure that the planter was open so that the plants could get plenty of sunlight, and we closed up the cracks and and laminated the wood so that the water wouldn’t negatively affect the wood or her room in general. It was crucial for us to improve our design because plants can be affected by so many things like: if there were a lack of water or sunlight for the plants, it would most likely kill the plant, or if there’s a lack of soil, the plant wouldn’t be able to obtain enough nutrients from the dirt which would make the plant die as well.
Most of the plants that Ms. Fanning chose can usually be grown inside of a building which beneficial for us because we would then have to create a design that was built for more of the outside. That’s why the design of the plants and our own design are so similar, because they were both made for the inside. When we made our design, we’ve used different types of technology to come up with our calculations and produce our object. At first, I always thought that technology and nature don’t mix with each other, they just try to cancel out each other. But after doing this, I realized that technology can enhance and improve our nature because we used technology to make something economic and beneficial to our economy.
Overall, I believe that all members of the Peachy Designs have come together to make a wonderful design that has potential to brighten up this building, but there were a couple of problems that our company did bump into. For example, some workers contributed more than others. I want all of the members to contribute an equal amount of work so that it would be fair to call it our design. The second thing is that if my company had more time, the overall design would probably be more “polished” than what it is now. Beside those two things, the design was a success, and our client was happy with the overall design.
Media Design Project
Las Noticias
Hola, me llamo Kierra Hailey y yo soy la presento.
Hoy es Lunes, diecisiete de enero. Primera a punta es tiempo con Markeera.
Hoy | Lunes | Martes | Miércoles | Jueves | Viernes | Sábado |
Nublado High: 36 Low: 28 10% Chance of rain
| Parcialmente nublado High: 33 Low: 24 0% chance of rain |
Parcialmente soleado HIgh: 35 Low 23 0% Chance of | parcialmente soleado High: 33 Low: 24 10% chance of rain | soleado High: 39 Low:30 0% chance of rain | Parcialmente nublado High: 42 Low: 39 20%chance of rain |
lluvioso High:45 Low: 60% chance of rain |
Sunday jan 17.: Cloudy 36/ 28 10% chance of rain WNW 10 mph
Monday jan. 18.: Partly Cloudy 33/24 0% chance of rain WNW 19 mph
Tuesday jan. 19:Mostly Sunny 35/23 0% chance of rain WNW 14 mph
Wednesday jan. 20: Mostly Sunny 33/24 10% chance of rain NW 16 mph
Thursday jan. 21: 39/30 Sunny 0% chance of rain NNW 11 mph
Friday jan. 22: 42/34 Partly cloudy 20% chance of rain NE 5 mph
Saturday jan.23: 45/32 showers 60% chance of rain
Hola! Me llamo Markeera. Hoy es domingo. El tiempo hoy es Nubalo. El fuerte temperatura para dia es Treinta y seis grado. El bajo temperatura es viente y ocho. El tiempo manana es esta bien. Manana es parcialmente nublado. El fuerte temperatura es treinta y tres. El bajo es viente y cuarto. El tiempo para Martes es parcialmente soleado. El fuerte temperatura es treinta y cinco. El bajo temperatura es viente y tres. El tiempo para Miércoles es parcialmente soleado. El bajo temperatura treinta y cuarto. El alto temperatura es treinta y tres. El clima para Jueves es Soleado. Jueves es el mejor dia esta semana. Asegurarse de que tu tiene Gafas de sol es. El bajo temperatura para Jueves es treinta. El fuerte temperature es treinta y nueve. El tiempo para viernes es parcialmente. El temperatura fuerte alto para viernes es cuarenta y dos. Nosotros tenemos un lluvioso sabado. El tiempo para Sabado es lluvioso. El fuerte temperature es cuarenta y cinco. El bajo temperature para sabado es treinta y dos. la esperanza todos ha una buena semana. De vuelta a tu kierra.
Kierra Anchor Transition: Siguiente es salud actualizar con Tyrone.
Tyrone: Gracias Kierra, ahora salud en Manhattan es una problema. El Nueva York Gobierno sólo indicó que más de la mitad de los residentes de adultos con sobrepeso u obesidad, por ciento cincuenta y seis para ser más preciso. Una de las razones es debido a lo popular de comida rápida en Manhattan. Nueva York recibe un ingreso estable de Manhattan solos, recibiendo millones de dólares cada año a partir de comida rápida. Esto no debe continuar para el porcentaje sólo subir más de este punto. Echemos un vistazo a McDonald's como un ejemplo, hay setenta y cinco de McDonald's situado en Manhattan... ahora que es una locura! Además, mientras estamos en el tema de la comida rápida, Chick-Fil-A que se encuentra en la 37 calle y Sexta Avenida, está cerrado aún debido a las violaciones de salud, debido a moscas de la fruta dentro de la construcción y los alimentos se ponen en la temperatura incorrecto. Hay nada que decir de cuando Chick-Fil-A se abrirá otra vez, pero te aseguro le mantendremos fijado. Eso es todo lo que ocurre, ahora mismo para la salud en Manhattan, ahora a ti Kierra.
Kierra Anchor Transition: Actualmente nosotros tene Ben paro moda.
Kierra anchor Transition: escuchar de cerca a Nueva York rompiendo noticias.
Hola, Mi nombre es Ben, Yo estoy aquí caer las tendencias en el mundo de la moda. Más de las tendencias viene de celebridades. Nosotros estaremos hablando los celebridades los tendencias vino de. Un tendencia nosotros vemos es los scooters eléctricos. Que parece como los personas son perezoso tan los personas no caminar. Una mas tendencia es los jeans rasgas. Yo rasgo mis jeans naturalmente de andando en patineta. Yo adivino es fresco hoy. El último tendencia es los botas de “uggs”. Yo veo muchas personas en mi escuela llevando puesto
las. Yo estoy creendo de comprando un par yo mismo. Gracias por tu tiempo, ve tu en la siguiente semana.
Breaking news
Noticia De Ultima Hora
Las últimas Noticias. Buenas Noches Aqui habla Tania Crowell con las noticias de la noche. Esta noche un grande fuego pasó en un adefesio en la esquina de Locust y Vanpelt. El fuego iluminando el cielo naranja y rojo. El departamento de bombero creen que el fuego comenzó en el sótano y el viento eso el fuego más peor. Parece que no hay evidencia que el fuego fue entenceloan. Las calles cerca de Locust y Vanpelt estan cerrada por que van a demoler por razones de seguridad. La noche pasada el tiempo era frígido y hace difícil para el Departamento de bomberos porque el agwa se formaba en hielo.En la mañana veintiuno (21) apartamentos se habían ido. las personas que vivían allí serán reubicados. Dos bombero están con problemas pulmonares debido a el humo.Las personas no pueden obtener sus pertenencias y todo lo que tienen es de la ropa de el cuerpo. Todos estan treseten.
La loteria powerball termeno
Kierra anchor Farewell: Gracias para escuchas para Nueva York excelente noticias presentar.
Interview: Thomas Grant
In this interview, I’m asking Thomas Grant, the interviewee who was born and raised in Philadelphia, questions about the Civil Rights Movement, his childhood, his education, and things that were happening in his neighborhood. A couple of questions he doesn't know, but his answers to other questions were things I never knew about. This 67 year-old man witnessed a lot of things during work, school, or even when is at home, but he never participated during that time. When you read and/or listen to the interview, you might learn new things that you never would've guessed.
During the interview, Thomas brought up the Million-Man march. He said that he seen a couple people from his job who went down to Washington D.C. When I researched that event, it said that it happened 20 years ago (October 16, 1995) at Washington D.C. and the website Million Man March says: “The Million Man March was one of the most historic organizing and mobilizing events in the history of Black people in the United States.” The person that led the march was Minister Louis Farrakhan who is the leader for Nation of Islam, but besides that he was a black religious and social leader.
Interview Part 1
Tyrone: Okay, hello, um..my name is Tyrone Grant. What is yours?
Thomas: Uh...Thomas Grant.
Tyrone: Okay, so...do you remember your parents?
Thomas: (chuckled) Yes.
Tyrone: Okay, so what were your parents like when you were a kid?
Thomas: Um...my parents were...giving, but demanding. They were religious and um...they made sure we had everything we needed. As children growing up, we were fed, clothed, sheltered, they were good and it was a good time.
Tyrone Okay, okay, so where were you living when you were a kid? Outside the state or…
Thomas: I was living in Philadelphia.
Tyrone: So, when you were younger, did you see any role of race in society?
Thomas: Yes, on the news for one, just with the police department how blacks were treated compared to the whites. Certain neighborhoods if you went into them, they would stop you, and harass you. It was...a time where when you stayed in your neighborhood, you were fine.
Tyrone: Oh wow, so how about your parents? Did they see any types of discrimination?
Thomas: Uh yeah, well my dad fought in World War II, and he was born in the South and he had to leave the South and came North because of racism.
Tyrone: Alright, so that’s pretty interesting. So what was it like being you know...a son of a man who fought in the war?
Thomas: He didn’t talk about the war much. He was more into providing, so he spent his time trying to make a...make it so we can survive. At one time, I was told he was making $0.76 an hour, so money was not there like it is today. I’m blessed because I’m able to make a lot more. (giggling)
Tyrone: So that’s pretty interesting. So have you witnessed or involved, or were involved (correcting myself) in anything about the Civil Rights Movement?
Thomas: I’ve witnessed...well basically what you saw on the news; police brutality in Philadelphia. We had riots back in the 60’s because of prejudice and racism. Martin Luther King as you know, being on the news and seeing what he was fighting for. Knowing and heard of the...people talk about it; athletes who’ve played basketball, saying that they couldn’t go in the front door of a restaurant where they was going to go to eat. The Boston Celtics, the center for them talked about it, people talked about it, but coming up when we were coming up, it wasn’t too much we could really do.
Tyrone: Okay, so you’ve mentioned riots and stuff in Philadelphia, correct?
Thomas: Yea.
Tyrone: Okay, so were you involved in those riots?
Thomas: No I wasn’t involved in them, but...they were basically in our neighborhood. Police...attacked a boy and before anybody realized or knew what was going on, people gotten together and four or five blocks away from where I was living, Columbia Avenue and Susquehanna Avenue, they were tearing up, destroying stuff, breaking into the stores, and they brought out the National Guard. So yea I’ve seen it, I didn’t get involved in it.
Tyrone: That’s interesting, umm so have you ever witnessed any other types of segregation against others?
Thomas: Yea, uh it hasn’t been as I got older; I kind of stayed away, but yea I’ve seen where people wouldn’t allow you to do things. You couldn’t go into certain neighborhoods like I said before. I was less of a “out on the streets” type of person, I was more home and when I travel, I travel to a place and came back. I didn’t really hangout.
Tyrone: Oh I see, now I know where I got my laziness from. (laughing)
Interview Part 2
Tyrone: Alright, so did you know anybody that participated in the Civil Rights Movement?
Thomas: Yea, I people-I knew some not a lot, but I knew a couple of people during the Civil Rights time with Martin Luther King. They went to Washington, the million-man march. Not personally, but knowing them from maybe working with them or their parents, not working but...parents who went on the march.
Tyrone: Alright, so you said working, so what job were you working for?
Thomas: Well, I worked for Septa and I wasn’t working during the Martin Luther King march because I was still in school, but I’ve been where they had other marches, so yea I knew a couple of people, but not many.
Tyrone: So um, did you ever attend a school that had segregation?
Thomas: Segregation (whispering), No, because basically the schools I’ve went to were basically black.
Tyrone: So how was it like going to an all-black school?
Thomas: Well you don’t know any difference because it is all black and nobody is being treated any differently. You know, it’s not like going to a school that’s half and half, you can see things, but when you to a school that’s basically all black, you don’t get that.
Tyrone: So, in the all-black schools, did you have like cheaper supplies and like...what I mean by supplies, I mean like books and stuff than the white schools?
Thomas: I can’t answer that because we didn’t know. All we knew was that we had books and we did have books, and we had the pencils, and the paper and all that. Let’s say another school had more than our school, it wasn’t put out there because the media today is so much more, and information is passed around so much easier. Back then, you’ve got your books, and we didn’t have basically what you have today: computers, and calculators, and everything we did had to be done by hand and by memory.
Tyrone: So was it tough in school for you?
Thomas: Well you don’t know because you don’t know the difference...we had nothing to measure one from another.
Tyrone: I meant like..just like...you know. Like right now, it’s tough for me in school so I’m saying on a daily basis doing work and everything...so was it tough?
Thomas: I mean, I made it through if that’s what you’re asking. I graduated, but when you saying tough, I guess all schools had their bullies, but listening to the news today, it was nowhere near as bad as it is today.
Tyrone: I have a quick question, so it’s a little bit off topic. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Thomas: One sister, two brothers.
Tyrone: What were their names?
Thomas: Joyce, Troy, and David.
Tyrone: Okay I know Joyce, but tell me about Troy and David.
Thomas: What do you want to know?
Tyrone: What were they like?
Thomas: Oh, well we got along fine, everybody was good. When I went to high school, my sister was married, so she was gone. My brother went to the military, my oldest brother went to the military. My youngest brother, when he got out of school, he went to the military.
Tyrone: That’s interesting. Did you lose anybody that you knew personally like a family member because of discrimination and segregation out there?
Thomas: Did I what?
Tyrone: Did you lose anybody?
Thomas: Oh, no. Not that I...no. I can say no. To my knowledge, I don’t know anybody in my family that died because of segregation.
Tyrone: Okay, well that’s good, that’s good. Have you ever faced any types of segregation like you personally?
Thomas: Personally, I’ll say no cause I don’t...I..no no, personally no.
Tyrone: Okay, well that’s it. Thank you for your time.
Thomas: My pleasure.
Unit 6 Project
SLA Interview With My Mother
Interview with Salina
Q: How do you see the world?
A: I see the world as a judgmental society as everyone is being judged and that we can also make your own decisions.
Q: Why do you see the world as that?
A: Because we can’t last long in a society without being judged or commented on who we are or how we look.
Q: How do you see others?
A: See everyone equal, as a community, that everyone has different character traits, and that everyone is special in their own way.
Q: If the world was ending and you could save one person, would it be, why, and would they do the same?
A: My grandmother because she has done a lot for me throughout my life, and I believe so.
Q: If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
A: Would change my behavior, because I was a really bad kid when I was younger and that caused stress to my grandmother.
Q: Of all the things in the past, why this one?
A: Because it caused stress to my family, and I was a foster child because my mom had so many kids to the point she couldn't take care of, so I lived with my grandmother. I was getting in a lot of trouble in school, but the reason I did that was so I could see my mother again because I thought that the principal would call her to pick me up and stuff, but that wasn't the case.