Carey Little's Capstone

Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 10.09.24 PM
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 10.09.24 PM
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 10.09.38 PM
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 10.09.38 PM
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 11.33.12 PM
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 11.33.12 PM
When i was four years old my mom bought me my first gaming console. A man down the street from my house was selling a Playstation 2. That's where my love of games began. Now my only goal is to spread to the joy of video games to others. That's why I have decided to make my capstone the creation of my first game named "The Restraint of Carlos".

Based on the popular games "The Binding Of Issac" and the original Legend of Zelda games, it is a top down survival game where the objective is to defeat as many enemies as possible before all of your health is depleted. The images you see are some I took during the creation of the game. During my presentation People will be able to the firsts to play the game.
