Cash'e Chapman, Mallika Saini, Saraa Fadl, Jordan Lewis & RaVaana Griggs

Expressing ourselves as a group to create a video which describes us, has been a very unique and interesting journey. During the process of this video, we learned that despite our differences we can still come together  to collaborate in order to create a interesting video.. However, along this journey we learned and obtained knowledge that is process was not just educational, but a way to connect together. The video is representing that even though we are “the eyeball” in several categories, there are things which tie us together.

Our Express Yourself Group video, was a journey that we would all cherish. The video has many things which we are doing at a constant rate everyday. The video starts out with differences we all posses, then showing some similarities we all have. Jordan is artistic, while we are not that artistic to create drawings and sketches he can create. On the other hand, Cash’e is not that interested in sports, while the rest of us participate in some sport. RaVana, wants to go further educate herself in some kind of cosmetology school. However, we all would like to pursue a career in the science field. Finally, Mallika has a completely different taste of music than us, Bollywood. Even though there is the difference that Mallika possesses, the video shows the similarities we all have. We all are die-hard fans of fried chicken, we can eat it all the time. Many pictures of us together were also included, as well as our school goals.We showcase our characteristics, on a whiteboard as well. Some characteristics mentioned on the whiteboard included that we all are honest, caring, friendly, and etc. The video closes out with the the characteristics displaying.

Creating these videos as a group, to share our similarities and differences was not the only goal. Our video is trying to spread a theme, a message to people who tend to differentiate themselves from others. A theme which we were trying to share out was, be confident in yourself when it comes to expressing yourself. We applied this theme in our lives as, helping Mallika gain confidence by sharing Bollywood music videos. She was nervous at first, but after gaining self-confidence it was easier for her to express her music taste. Be confident in yourself when expressing yourself to a wider audience. It definitely helps you in the future because you are not too shy. Another, theme which is indirectly being imposed is being different. Being a different person, possessing different characteristics and personalities makes you unique than others’. So, if you being a person who is trying to fit in, you are losing your own uniqueness. This theme doesn’t look like it is being imposed, but it is. The two themes mentioned above were the themes we wanted to mention through the video, as it is carrying an important which needs to be followed soon.

Cash'e Chapman's Artist Statement:
You should know the essential question and what type of person I am overall to understand my video. I learned how simple my life is from video.

Individual Video:

Mallika Saini's Artist Statement

The complexity of my life, has been explained through the video. I have displayed key things which are close to me and define me. For example, the pictures that relate to festivals show that I am really close to the cultural festivals. Such as Diwali and Holi, since those two are the festivals which I have been more prone to than others. Another, element which shows the complexity of my life are my family and friends. My family are people who I am tremendously close to and they help me define in every possible way. They are a part of my life which I have valued since the day I was born. Finally, another way the complexity of my life is presented through my video is my love and affection for Bollywood and cricket. I can view Bollywood movies all day and night, they lead me into another whole world. Cricket, is another thing which represents me because I love watching cricket, especially the International Indian Cricket team and the Kolkata Knight Riders. They way the can bat and catch a heavy ball in the air flying with great pressure amazes me. These are key parts of my video which represent that I have different and unique from others’.

There is so much into my life, that my video needs a bit more explanation to some people. My video includes some details on my religion and festivals, as you might already know I am not a Christian. I am from a Punjabi family, I follow Sikhism which has different holidays than Christians do. For example, you might not understand why my sister is putting color on my face or why we have color on our face at all. This festival is most known as Holi, meaning the Festival of Colors, where we celebrate the wonderful colors life gives us. You might need to understand those pictures in order to understand the video overall. I believe that knowing that I am a Punjabi, following Sikhism will allow you to understand the video much better. This is important because the role of religion and festivals play a huge role in my life.

Expressing myself through a video, was a very touching project to me. It was a very one of a kind way to let us express ourselves to our classmates. A way for others’ to learn how I define myself and express myself. Through the procedure of making this project I learned many things. One of the many things I learned throughout the project was that there are many ways to express ourselves. I mean I created a 2 minute, 10 second video and expressed many things about myself. I always believed that for expressing ourselves to a wider auditions to have to express every single thing. However, in this video I was able to express myself in many ways, religion, music, family, etc. This was the biggest lesson I learned by completing this project. Overall it is a small, simple, but very inspiring thought I realized as I was making the video, as well as presenting it.

Saraa Fadl's Artist Statement

For my individual video, I put pictures of my religion, values,my love for soccer, and quotes that I love. These pictures show who I am. These things are what builds up to who I am. As I was creating this video, I made sure that I represent every topic as I can so that the audience can understand the type of person I am.Even though I showed a lot of pictures that can identify me, there were still things that I haven’t mentioned.For example, I didn’t show my career since it wasn’t really on my mind as I was creating the video. My career is becoming an FBI agent. As I was watching my video, I saw that I put a lot of my friends and family. The reason behind that is that I value them the most. So, to sum it up, I think that the way I created this video is exceptional to me.

Jordan Lewis's Artist Statement
In this Wevideo, it is important to keep in mind the fact that there are many unique people in the world that we live in.  This video is an example of the different ways that people can express themselves and tell people who they really are.  To fully understand my WeVideo though, I think that it is important to keep in mind the fact that this is meant to represent me and the important things that make up who I am, and it does just that.  It shows my different interests such as cars, my artistic talent with pictures of drawings by me, my family, and my friends that I have in this school, and even who I’ve known before I entered into SLA.  This WeVideo presentation is an electronic representation of who I am.  This video benefit not only allowed me to express myself but it allowed me to notice how easy it was in the process.                          
Completing this WeVideo showed me how easy it was for me to express myself to other people.  I also learned how much of an accepting environment I am in at SLA Beeber.  We are all able to express ourselves to each other and it has brought us together. It has brought us a lot closer than we were before because we knew more about each other and when you know more about someone, you feel more comfortable around them then you would if they were a complete stranger.  During the process of creating this video, I have learned how comfortable I am expressing myself and how I feel that I really don’t need a mask in society and I never wore one.  The SLA Community is accepting and I find myself very comfortable in that kind of environment.
RaVaana Griggs Artist Statement
My wevideo was based on my life and childhood growing up. I also put some things that mean a lot to and some of my hobbies. I define myself by the things I do and it shows who I am by my interest. Also it showed my classmates who I really was that don’t know me so well. I learned from this express myself unit that its not hard to express yourself and, its better to show who you really are rather than hiding yourself. Hiding yourself doesn’t help you it actually is worst than just being yourself because, if you’re being fake when you do decide to be yourself no one will like you for your actual self. To fully understand this project I think you should  know not to hold anything back and show your inner self because, the point of this project was for everyone to get to know you. No matter how you are theres always someone who will accept you and also you should accept you.
