Cell phone addiction project

This project is introducing how many times people use their phones and while we do many other things do we ever realize that we multitask?Such as doing homework and texting or texting and watching tv. That’s what we studied and I found out by my own results I use and I depend on my phone way too much.I also multitask when I get bored of doing homework I’ll go on snapchat or Instagram. The goal of this project is to basically let us know that we use our phones a lot and we depend on them.My conclusion was that anybody would be addicted to there phone because everyone does there own thing and me examining people as I walked around I really didn't notice anybody on there phone a lot I probably did but I thought it was just normal.If you would like to do this cell phone use project I suggest you use some tips such as
in the future for doing this project is don't hesitate to go on your phone because you're embarrassed to see your results. It would be easier to examine the big differences or the similarities with your peers.Also get a week's worth of information just to see how much you could be on your phone and it’s better for you to know you have to stop being on your phone.
