Cell Phone Use & Multitasking Project

This project will be about the phone use of all the streams in 9th grade & what they did in that time period. We will be talking about how much time kids wasted on their phones. Also The least amount of times kids checked their phones. & Lastly What they checked their phones for.

In conclusion I would like to say that North stream had the most totals in all. We checked our phones the most (1000) & I believe that North stream is multitasking all the time on how they check their phones so much in over a period of 2 days. Also I would like to say that the lowest number of times someone checked their phone was about 3 times & that was from South stream. That is how our grades & our own data shows us about multitasking & our cell phone use addiction.

Some tips that will help you by using your phone less is by finding other ways of relaxing like doing homework or going out to a park so you don't need to use your phone so often as you did before. We collected our data by using app called Moment or Checky. We saw if any of our data's made sense or look the same in any way in our classes or in any other streams. Here is our Data
