cellphone use project
In this project we are going to be finding out how many times people in the class unlocked their phones and what was their apps in used as they unlocked their phones. we used an app to collect out data the app we used was checky app. we filled out a form to gather the data on google sheets. we also had to give some tips here are some of mines. So you won't be freaking about your phone too much put your phone on silent or turn it off so your mind not focus on the cell phone. Or
Put your phone on airplane mode so u wont get notifications. in conclusion, Doing this mini project showed me a lot how the ninth grade unlock their phone numerous times for different apps.
click here cellphone use project
So you won't be freaking about your phone too much put your phone on silent or turn it off so your mind not focus on the cell phone.
Put your phone on airplane mode so u wont get notifications.
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