CNS Benchmark- Schizophrenia

Through this project I learned a lot about schizophrenia that I hadn't known before. For example I always used to think that people with schizophrenia were insane and belonged in a mental asylum. I didn't really know why I thought this, but when I thought about it I found that it was how the disease was portrayed in media that led me to believe this. I think that other people like me need to understand that schizophrenia is a fairly common disease and does not cause you to become mentally inept, it just makes life a little more difficult for the people who have it and we should do our best to help them in any way that we can. After having completed this project I am wondering if they will ever find a cure for schizophrenia; as it is now there is only treatments that help to partially subdue its affects on the homeostasis of the body. 
